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  • DU Lihua WU Shiwen
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(10): 6-27.
    In the development of the Internet dominated by the logic of connectivity, disconnection is an alternative Internet-using practice that has not received enough attention for a long time. This paper focuses on the historical development process of network disconnection in our country, and divides network disconnection into partial connectivity phase (1994-2006), universal connectivity phase (2007-2013), and generalized connectivity phase (2013-present). During the historical development of disconnection, two controversial issues emerged: the right to personal information and the right to disconnection. The right to personal information changed with the development of the connection phase. The right to disconnection faced two dilemmas: the conflict with the organizational culture of “busy is successful” and the challenge of redefining the work-life boundary. Whether it is the right to disconnection or the right to personal information, the controversy surrounding both revolves around whether online disconnection can become a social mechanism. The debate about disconnection from the internet revolves around whether disconnection can become a social mechanism. Netizens carry out the life deceleration exploration of situational disconnection, and “wander” between the states of connection and disconnection. This paper points out that disconnection has a tendency to become a way of life, but there are still many questions about whether it can be used as a social mechanism.
  • FENG Jianxia
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(9): 27-47.
    Digital platforms such as social media have become space to raise gender consciousness, foster women’s solidarity and call for social change. Through qualitative methods such as in-depth interview and participatory observation, this study explores the process of gender consciousness among young female users who actively speak out on gender issues in local digital space. In addition, this paper proposes the concept of “mediated affective solidarity” to understand how individuals who suffer from affective dissonance, experience gender consciousness and become affective alien can connect, support with each other and make collective voices to form a sense of solidary as affective communities based on the connective affordance of social media. This study argues that social media and other digital platforms have reconfigured the relationship between individual, collective and space, and shaped the feminist politics of transformation in contemporary China, in which affect plays a significant role.
  • HUANGWeizi XIONGYuelei
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(10): 49-68.
    In today’s culture of the internet, young women who have not yet married or had children are interested in “raising” virtual babies. The intersection of girl culture and motherhood studies has prompted a rethinking of how the connotation and extension of “motherhood” expand and change in the digital era. This study focuses on the practice of “cyber-motherhood” in recent years among online communities of plush doll players, with empirical data gathered through in-depth interviews and participatory observation methods. In contrast to previous studies that focused on how technology affects biological child rearing, “cyber-motherhood” focuses on the intertwined interaction of humans and technology through the concept of the cyborg. According to research, media technology, social structure, and the agency of girl players interact to shape the “cyber-mothering” practice, which is based on embodiment practice and visual techniques. It echoes the social institution of motherhood while also undermining its sanctity.While “cyber- motherhood” provides girls with a flexible strategy of dealing with life’s pressures, flowing eros emerges from the cracks of rigid binary logic, acting as a transient but widely spread force while also opening up new opportunities for various gender subject-positions.
  • FANG Hui WU Shangwei
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(10): 28-48.
    This article focuses on the “digital death” on Chinese social media platforms. It refers to social media platforms’ depriving individuals of their right to live digitally on platforms through repressive account suspensions (namely “account bombing”). We collected 131 online writings about digital lives and conducted 39 in-depth online interviews on users’ experiences of account bombing. These narratives publicize the politics of memory in Chinese cyberspace. This study argues that account bombing as an incident interrupts individuals’ daily lives and causes death- like pain and trauma. The blocked users’ digital memories are entirely deleted, with (part) their digital self annihilated and stripped. Writing is a way to resist forgetting and protest against the deviant stigma imposed by the authorities. It also reproduces and confirms the blocked users’ identity and subjectivity. As a result, Internet governance, committed to forgetting through deleting, has stimulated proactive memory inscription. The long-term effects of deletion on the technologized memory structure are also worth further exploring.
  • WANG Tian TAN Tianhui
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(9): 48-70.
    Social media has driven the worldwide spread of femvertising. While achieving great monetization benefits, femvertising has also been criticized for its post-feminist discourse, which may worsen gender inequality. Focusing on femvertising practices in Weibo, the paper uses thematic analysis and semantic network analysis to investigate post-feminist discourses in advertising, as well as audience responses to post-feminist discourses and meaning production. It is found that the confidence culture discourse and the positive mentality discourse are largely echoed. “Empowerment” is constructed as the process of individual “realizing beauty”, and the self-discipline of “confidence” and “positive mentality” is regarded as the key way of “empowerment”. Consumption is also given a “rewarding” meaning to advertisers. Finally, the paper introduces the theoretical perspective of Marxist feminism, examines the unequal economic relations and ideology reflected by post-feminist discourse, and explores the “true empowerment” approach of femvertising.
  • CHEN Lidan YAN Yan
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 6-31.
    There is an extensive use of the words ‘Kommunikation’ (communication) and ‘Verkehr’ (intercourse) in Marx’s Das Capital and its manuscripts. Marx uses these two words in many cases include both the material dimension of transport and the mental dimension of message passing, telegraphic exchanging, interpersonal communication and relationship building, etc. Based on the second edition of Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA2), we have checked all the two words and the related word ‘Transport’ (including derivatives and compounds), in which a total of 1,213 words are compared with the existing Chinese translations of Das Kapital and its manuscripts of about 12 million words. We made a variety of comparative tables and wrote an analysis about 500,000 words. It is confirmed that a considerable number of ‘Kommunikation’ and ‘Verkehr’ are translated as ‘transportation’ in chinese, whereas ‘transportation’ in contemporary Chinese mainly refers to trains, ships and other means of transport, which inadvertently causes Marx's rich view of communication to be obscured. So we make a comprehensive analysis of this situation from five aspects in this paper, and endeavour to return to Marx’s original meaning.
  • ZHANG Yiyan SHAO Yihan
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(2): 6-31.
    The advent of the social media era has broadened people's sources of information and broken the monopoly of traditional media as the "gatekeepers". With the development of multimedia technology and the emergence of fragmented and quick reading habits, video-based social media has increasingly become a new forum for information intake for global users and a new battleground for international communication. This paper conducted a content analysis and semantic network analysis on 387730 China-related videos posted on YouTube from 2019-2021, revealing the types, temporal changes, and cross-linguistic differences of China-related sub-topics on overseas video-based social media. The results of the second and third levels of agenda-setting analysis show that while other types of channels are closely linked in their construction of China's image, media channels present relatively independent agendas and are not well integrated into the YouTube opinion field. The study makes a theoretical contribution to the integration of international communication theory and agenda-setting theory. It innovatively compares the second- and third- level agenda-setting effects and proposes specific strategies for China on how to expand video channels for international communication.
  • LIU Mingzheng WANG Shuo
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 32-51.
    This study aims to explore the public’s perception, assessment and use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in human-computer interaction. With the help of science communication theory and the AIDUA research framework, and structural equation modeling analysis of 1805 sample data, the study deeply explores the factors that form the public’s multidimensional cognitive attitudes towards Generative Artificial Intelligence, as well as the paths that influence the public’s segmented content production behaviors. The study finds that the public’s cognition, assessment and use of generative AI take place in a context of intertwined and Interco structed technological imagination and technological practice. In the primary assessment stage, the public’s technological outlook is shaped by peripheral, front-end factors, including an individual’s optimistic technological disposition, prior technological experiences, and the influence of their local community. These elements drive their perceptions and practical engagement with GAI. In the subsequent evaluation stage, the public’s understanding of GAI’s usage, advantages, and potential risks, informed by their own technological activities, gives rise to a complex cognitive attitude that encompasses both favorable and unfavorable elements. Ultimately, at the behavioral outcome stage, these multidimensional cognitive attitudes significantly impact the public's intricate content creation decisions.
  • QU Shuwen XU Min
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 134-155.
    Research on memory practices has richly discussed representational and archival memory practices, but has not yet fully analyzed imaginative, non-representational and affective memory practices. This paper analyzes three types of affective mnemonic imagination of Xiami Refugees’ “difficulties” and the related affective nostalgic connotations. The mnemonic imagination of daily recommendations demonstrates the affective experience of flipped music discovery and a mediated sense of being-in-the-world. The mnemonic imagination of genre labeling integrates a nonhuman- centered world imagery in the recollection of post-rock and ambient music. The mnemonic imagination of playlist and music library demonstrates the affective connection of individual, community, and the platform in the construction of collective vernacular music archiving as well as the public value behind cultural heritage. These three kinds of emotional mnemonic imagination are the momentum of Xiami Refugee’s affective nostalgia. What underneath the affective nostalgia of “No home to go to, and no world to be in” is the ethics of hope: clarifying people’s longing for online public music life, reflecting on the precarity of mediated being-in-the-world with three strategies to cope with it, relying on residuals of body memory and affective memory to re-explore relational connection with multiple bodies.
  • PAN Wenjing MU Zhe
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(3): 55-75.
    Mass media has played an important role in shaping and continuously reinforcing the “ideal body” through selectively presenting certain types of appearances and bodies. In the age of social media, pictures, videos and texts about appearance and body shape are also featured on various platforms, explicitly or implicitly influencing individuals’ perception of body image. Considering the ubiquity of body image content on social media and its negative impacts on individuals and on society, this study focused on Xiaohongshu APP and explored how body pictures, comments and sex affected negative emotions, inspiration and social comparison based on gender differences theorizing and social comparison theory. By adopting a 2 (participant sex: male vs. female) ×2 (commentator sex: male vs. female) ×2 (comment content: attainable vs. unattainable) between- subject factorial design, an online experiment (N = 292) was conducted. The results showed that, after controlling for social comparison tendency and body mass index, women experienced more negative emotions than men; attainable comments elicited more inspiration and less negative emotion than unattainable comments. Same-sex comments elicited more social comparisons than opposite-sex comments. For female participants, reading attainable comments written by female elicited the highest level of inspiration. While for male participants, reading unattainable comments written by female elicited the lowest level of inspiration. Implications were discussed in terms of gender differences and social comparison.
  • LIAO Shengqing CHENG Junchao YU Jianping
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(9): 91-117.
    With the development of new media technology, constructing a clear space for the expression of online opinions and building a good order of online communication has become an important element in developing a strong network and building a modern governance system. This study is based on an empirical analysis of 43, 088 news items and their 1, 204, 769 related comments posted by People’s Daily on Sina Weibo between January 20 and March 8, 2020, the period of the COVID-19 outbreaks. The study examines the impact of audience interaction on group polarization formed by online news replies as expressions of opinions under the perspective of the spiral of silence theory. It reveals that emotions have an inhibitory mediating role in the relationship between audience interaction and group polarization. The results showed that audience interaction had a significant positive effect on group polarization. The stronger the audience interaction, the more negative the emotional valence and the stronger the emotional arousal. Positive emotional valence and low arousal are more likely to lead to group polarization.
  • GONG Wen XIAO Peng SONG Xinming WANG Xi
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(3): 6-29.
    Health information avoidance behavior is a vital interfering factor in health communication among the elderly, while previous studies have rarely investigated the influencing paths on it. Based on the SOR theory, this study explored the mechanism of health information avoidance behavior among the elderly. A total of 465 older adults in China were recruited to participate in this survey. SEM shows that perceived hazard characteristics, negative affective response, and weak channel beliefs were positively associated with health information avoidance behavior. Furthermore, negative information characteristics, salience, cognitive dissonance, and social support were associated with health information avoidance behavior through the above three variables in the stage of organism. Additionally, fsQCA shows that there were three main configurations for health information avoidance behavior, including externally-driven avoidance with weak channel beliefs and the absence of social support as core conditions, factually-driven avoidance with negative information characteristics and salience as core conditions as well as emotionally-driven avoidance with negative affective response and negative information characteristics as core conditions. The study not only examines the pathways among factors influencing health information avoidance behavior in the elderly, but also verifies configuration effects of these factors, which provides theoretical and practical implications for improving geriatric education and risk management in public health.
  • MA Zhonghong WU Xichang
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 72-89.
    As AI social chatbots are seen as human communicators, it is crucial to understand the problems of gender bias in their interactions with humans. Using the method of conversation test, this paper designs a series of questions for testing gender bias of robots and to test the gender bias of three mainstream social chatbots in China. The interaction texts are analyzed through qualitative coding analysis.The results indicate that social chatbots exhibit significant gender bias in self- perception of gender, gender stereotypes, gender equality, and response to gender harassment, which are unrelated to the male and female gender roles of the social chatbots themselves. The gender bias of social chatbots as products of human-computer interaction technology, they are constructed by user participation, dialog system technical support, technology companies and program developers. The result is that AI, as represented by social chatbots, replicates and reinforces the construct power of gender bias in the gender culture of human society in learning and imitation.
  • LIU Yusi YUAN Guangfeng MA Ye
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(10): 112-134.
    Invoking historical analogies to make connections between past and present events is an important way to construct collective memory and shape public perceptions. This study examines how representative newspapers in three areas-the United States, India, and Middle East North Africa (MENA),selected and used historical analogies in their coverage of three global major conflict events of this century including the September 11, the Mumbai terrorist attacks, and the Tahrir Square demonstrations through a quantitative content analysis using the most different system design (MDSD). The study found that in the coverage of these three events, there was a pattern of “distant suffering”; and there was a significant domestication effect; as a proximity mechanism, newspapers also made greater use of historical references in the context of their own countries or regions. The study then discussed the three coexisting and decreasing media logic and their implications for news reporting of conflict events.
  • JI Di
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(9): 71-90.
    With the development of social media, the internet has emerged as an increasingly important space for feminist activists. Based on the paradox of the participation of the privileged, this paper explores the exclusionary discourses that the male feminists as feminist advocators encounter from feminist solidarity when they participate in debates about the gender issues in network public sphere and analyzes the causes. The study shows that the exclusionary discourses mainly reflect that the feminist solidarity distrusts the motives of male feminists and their standpoints of epistemology, and alienates male feminist advocators, and that such discourses stem from complex technical and social factors, including the weak continuity between the discourses and actions, the epistemological conundrum of distinguishing the benevolent sexism from cultural behaviors without any intension of sexism, and the base of solidarity itself on experiencing some forms of oppression or injustice. The clarification and reflection of this paradox can lead to better understanding, less conflicts and stronger solidarity between two sexes so as to achieve genders equality eventually.
  • WANG Yingji
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 28-45.
    In Kittler’s view, spoken language is a means for gender distinction, whereas the typewriter is a medium for gender neutrality. By inverting the gender of writing, the typewriter has brought about a de-gendered approach to writing, reversing the material base of discourse networks. As a result, traditional gender metaphors have vanished. Kittler analyzed the changes in the role and status of women in literary circulation between the 1800 and 1900 discourse networks using the theories of Foucault and Lacan. The mother, as an abstract spiritual metaphor, is excluded from the real production process of the 1800 discourse network and is in both “input” and “output” positions in the 1800 discourse network. In the 1900 discourse network, the typewriter caused the collapse of the male monopoly on writing, and women began to enter as secretaries and typists, occupying the core of text processing and production. Although Kittler is not a feminist, his research on women based on media materiality and discourse networks has also provided new insights and contributed new theoretical perspectives and ideas to feminism.
  • LIU Fangru
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(10): 135-159.
    In 2019, the eSports player has become a new occupation approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, which has stimulated the development of eSports industry. Taking “cruel optimism” and “hope” as theoretical resources, this paper examines the individual experiences and affective forms of eSports players, the central elements supporting the industry. Simultaneously, I contextualize the specific affective form in industry and political environment, in order to explore the generating logic of affects and affective practices of eSports players.This paper finds that the promises that popular culture, official documents, and eSports club collectively weave for eSports players are problematic objects of desire and prevent them from flourish. The experience of losing the object of desire is so heartbreaking that the hope and optimism held by eSports players in turn wear out their vitality, and even lead them going to “impasse”. On this basis, this study attempts to propose “the hopeful cruelty” to explain the affective practices of eSports players.
  • ZHANG Jie MA Yikun
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 65-80.
    Considering the universal connection in the digital association today, social media users seek a sense of self/private boundaries in an ever-expanding public space. This study focuses on the alternative account (xiaohao) in Weibo using by the young groups and the new relationship situation and new self-practice based on it. The study found that the user's personal emotional work based on xiaohao can effectively regulate and alleviate the self-tension and emotional dilemma in real life. In this process, the self, identification and identity realize the flow and reconstruction between the communication law of traditional Chinese relationship orientation and the increasingly prominent individual will, the situation also moves from the situation re-separation to the creation of new reality situation; This new self-reorganization method is unexplicable to the separated self in the network and the suppressed self in the reality, and the creation of its realistic situation also endows the realistic role and the social-self with the vitality of new individual meaning, reflecting the subjective individual will and creative actions of young people today.
  • HUANG Yangkun YU Yayun
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(10): 91-111.
    Algorithmic discrimination poses a danger to the individual’s digital survival. Based upon semi-structural interviews with 22 algorithm engineers, this study explores how engineers’ ethical values and judgments are embedded in the discriminatory algorithm from the perspective of the social construction of technology. The study finds that algorithmic discrimination can be attributed to engineers’ understanding and pursuit of reality and accuracy—for building the mirror world, they rely on data records, social reality and statistical causality, eventually leading to the reinforcement of discrimination. Besides, for engineers, their goal of algorithmic fairness is constantly squeezed by their ethic goal of seeking reality and accuracy with certain business goals. And engineers are always educated and work in the orientation that making a bias-free digital garden isn’t an obligatory target for them. What’s more, quantifying ethical concepts like fairness remains a technical obstacle for algorithmic workers. All these make “algorithm for good” a flexible choice for engineers, finally defining their practice to debias. This study provides an empirical window for understanding algorithmic discrimination, as well as detailed and professional insights into the construction of biased technologies in Chinese context.
  • LI Hongtao LIU Yusi CHENG Xiaoxiao
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 90-112.
    Drawing on the perspective of digital curation, this article analyzes the life trajectories of several short videos widely circulated during the Wuhan lockdown to explore the making of digital iconic events and the performing of COVID-19 and its memories. The comparative analysis of multiple cases reveals that the social life of digital iconic events covers three interpretive phases, i.e., circulation, domestication, and canonization. In their multi-modal memory practices, social media users and institutional media mobilize a wide variety of digital curation strategies to create copies or variants of the short videos, extend or reverse the performance scenarios, amplify or transform the emotions of performers and the audience, and integrate them into the grand narrative. Eventually, some short videos became fleeting moments, while others were etched into public memory with a “moving” tone.
  • SONG Meijie CHEN Yuanshuo
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 101-116.
    Death causes the disappearance of the body, but the media preserves a huge number of user traces, triggering a new issue of the presence of the dead, and existential media. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 15 bereaved individuals, analyzing the differences in memory storage and emotional arousal between digital and physical objects, and explore the role of the media as a digital wizard that can connect the dead and communicate between life and death. The study has found that the digital remains are pervasive, fluid, and linked. The combination of digital remains, media logic and algorithm recommendations create a static glow, intrusive culture of death, which inevitably leads to individuals encountering information about the dead and triggering memories. Digital objects have a contradiction between immortality and fragility. When the dead's information is detached from their native device and uploaded to the cloud, the authenticity of digital memory is also erased. In the digital age, the preservation of digital traces has become an important decision related to the survival of digital life and emotional bonds.
  • WANG Jing
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 136-151.
    To use the current academic trendy word “turn,” we witness an “auditory turn” in anthropology and an “anthropological turn” in sound studies. This article is set to contextualize and thread fields of sensory anthropology, auditory culture and sound studies. Through rehearsing two sets of academic debates, I introduce and analyze two theoretical paradigms in auditory culture studies, sound studies and sensory anthropology. Furthermore, I propose the notion that I call “acoustic milieus” to form a critical dialogue with “soundscape,” a classical but problematic notion in sound studies and auditory culture studies. Acoustic milieus consider sound as medium of understanding existential situations and of ecological thinking.
  • WANG Xi MENG Zhijie ZHANG Lu
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(3): 95-115.
    Mass media used to quantify public opinion through poll survey; nowadays, Weibo Hot Search has increasingly been considered as the barometer of public opinion. Drawing on the public opinion infrastructures model, this article uses the methods of text analysis, interview, and content analysis to investigate how Hot Search defines and measures public opinion and how it is framed and interpreted by the mass media. We find that Hot Search had combined “the aggregation of scattered individuals’ search traces” and “the engagement and communication between the publics” since the adjustment of the trending rules in 2018. While the former is individual, private, and egalitarian, the latter is relational, public, and hierarchical. This signifies a shift in logic from “one person, one vote” to “wise public opinion prioritized”. The media frames Hot Search as the synonym of public opinion, with the terms “rocketed to” and “top one” most frequently used as the benchmarks to evaluate the public response, thus legitimizing the knowledge logic of trending algorithms. This finding contributes to revising the previous conclusion, which held that “the party media held a critical attitude towards algorithms”. The future research could take more concrete contexts where “people and algorithms meet” into account.
  • GAO Fangfang ZHANG Jia’nan
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 117-135.
    Based on a national survey (N=582), from the “individual-family” perspective, this study combined the cognitive mediation model and the family communication patterns theory to investigate how people’s attention to health information and the families’ conversation/conformity orientation affect people’s sharing of health information with their parents. The study found that, at the individual cognitive level, people’s attention to health information can directly enhance their health information sharing with parents. It can also indirectly influence their health information sharing behaviors through health literacy or the chain mediation of information elaboration and health literacy. At the family communication level, the conversation-oriented family communication pattern can significantly increase people’s health information sharing with their parents. This study underlines the connections between people’s information attention and their sharing of health information with parents by extending the cognitive mediation model. In addition, focusing on health communication within the family, this study confirms the positive effect of the conversation- oriented family communication pattern on health information sharing.
  • MENG XiaoXiao
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 113-133.
    The prevalence of digital platforms has provided great convenience but also increased privacy risks. Using the Communication Privacy Management theory, this paper explored how Chinese users manage privacy boundaries in non-social contexts. This paper found that there are dual paths of users' platform privacy boundary management through in-depth interviews and validated the psychological mechanisms through a questionnaire (N=1419). It concluded that Chinese users make privacy management decisions based on the premise that they are dependent on such non-social platforms for daily life activities. However, two internal and external factors, namely self-efficacy and privacy calculations, intervene in such decisions. This paper developed privacy management strategies in the context of life service platforms and provided a theoretical reference for subsequent research on privacy management in non-personal contexts.
  • SU Linsen
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(11): 41-60.
    Watching TV has become an important form of leisure in Chinese people’s daily lives, and television as a family medium has also long been the number one medium in China. As a social cell, the family is the source of happiness, and watching TV affects people’s quality of life and happiness. Television viewing has both direct and indirect effects on subjective well-being. Based on the 2013 and 2021 China General Social Survey (CGSS) data, this paper finds that both daily TV viewing and free time TV viewing (or DVD watching) directly enhance people's subjective happiness, but only “frequent” or “daily” TV viewing can significantly enhance people's happiness, indicating that TV use has a certain threshold for enhancing happiness. This paper analyzes the indirect effect of TV viewing on subjective well-being through two competing mediation mechanisms, and the mediation analysis reveals that TV watching indirectly enhances people’s subjective well-being through promoting social interaction, but TV watching does not reduce well-being because of enhanced materialistic tendencies.
  • Zhao Yupei Li Qiuxian Zhang Yi
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 156-176.
    The rapid development of eSports industry has transformed itself into a multilateral platform model and a career development path with high-level literacy requirements. This study introduces the concept of “media literacy” and adopts Meyrowitz (1998) “three-part division” of media literacy, namely content literacy, grammar literacy, and medium literacy, to propose the theoretical framework of “eSports literacy”. The study attempts to explore the dynamic relationship between media and technology, labor, and employment. By treating eSports as a medium that spans across sports, technology, culture, and media, the study examines how eSports professionals understand and use media, and ultimately integrate into the media environment to enhance their media productivity. This study identifies six key actors, including Tencent Esports, the Ministry of Education, the Sports Bureau, esports clubs, vocational colleges, and universities, who play a crucial role in constructing eSports literacy. These actors promote a shared value proposition among professionals in the industry, collaborative innovation, and sustainable self-development, thereby constituting the three levels of eSports literacy: content literacy, grammar literacy, and medium literacy. The contribution of this study lies in concretizing the macro-level development of the eSports industry into the micro-level requirements for media literacy among professionals. By interpreting the mutually constitutive relationship between media literacy and the industry ecosystem, the study clarifies how professionals can enhance their media production practices in the eSports medium and achieve digital survival.
  • LIN Zhongxuan
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(1): 122-144.
    In recent years, the Chinese eSports field has emerged with a discourse assemblage of “eSports patriotism”. Situated in China’s specific context, different actors such as countries, industries, and individuals, through the specific form and practice of “triple articulation”, compete with each other, connect with each other, and translate each other, to form a complex, dynamic and even temporary consensus on eSports patriotism. The first articulation is on the level of state power, with the articulation, disarticulation and rearticulation of discourse; the second articulation is on the level of industry capital, with the number discourse and the alliance of interests; and the third articulation is on the level of individual dream, with the two-way articulation of the “championship dream” and the “Chinese dream”.
  • WANG Weili
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 152-162.
    With the rapid development of new technologies, particularly the rise of large language models such as ChatGPT, the field of journalism and communication is undergoing a significant transformation. In this dialogue, the author interviewed Professor John Downey, President of the European Communication Research and Education Association, to explore the impact of generative artificial intelligence technologies on research, education, and the evolution of the journalism and communication discipline. These discussions not only reflect the global trend of current technological advancements but also reveal different strategies and ways of thinking in cross- cultural contexts, thereby providing a diverse perspective for China’s journalism and communication studies to adapt and develop in the era of generative artificial intelligence.
  • XIONG Zhuang QIAN Peishan
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(9): 118-139.
    As search engines become a part of everyday life, the “Google Effect” - the weakening of individuals’ memory capabilities - has become increasingly prominent. However, text signals have been shown to significantly enhance reading comprehension and memory. This study uses a news article as experimental material and designs a 2×2 experiment to investigate how text signals impact people’s memory performance under the “Google Effect”. The results show that text signals can significantly improve memory performance in an online environment. These findings broaden the scope of research into the effects of text signals, providing practical memory retention strategies for digital reading. Although text signals do not fully counteract the “Google Effect”, they provide theoretical support and empirical evidence for reducing reliance on search engines. Future research could explore possible differences between macro and micro signals. Methodologically, neuroscientific techniques such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) could be used to examine how text signals affect the brain's memory encoding and retrieval processes, deciphering the neural mechanisms through which they counteract the “Google Effect”.
  • DUAN Shichang
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(4): 52-71.
    This study investigates the politics of visibility between platforms and laborers, starting with the algorithmic gossip among live e-commerce entrepreneurs. This research founds that, the content of algorithmic gossip can be divided into two parts: simplifying algorithms and auditing algorithms. The first part shows how entrepreneurs simplify rules and establish norms, including defining “traffic” in terms of digital identity and explicitly executing the “data-running” labor process of producing data through content production, real-time monitoring, and analyzing feedback. Auditing algorithms reflects entrepreneurs’ reinterpretation of the meaning of algorithms while rationalizing platform governance measures, evidenced by entrepreneurs’ auditing of algorithms for innovation, decentralization, and publicness. The article concludes by summarizing the theoretical value of algorithmic gossip in understanding the relationship between platforms and workers from marginal knowledge and the technological environment in general.
  • LI Siyue LEI Sihan SHE Chengyu WEI Runnan
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(11): 81-104.
    This study conducted a survey of 389 smartphone users aged 60 years and above to examine their received support provided by families, friends and communities in the process of bridging the digital divide of the elderly. The direct and indirect effects of social support on subjective well-being were also examined. The results suggested that family members, friends, and communities all provided informational, emotional and instrumental support, with younger generations in families provided all types of support most frequently. The results also showed that social support provided by younger generations in families could significantly affect subjective well-being in older adults, while social support provided by friends could affect subjective well- being through perceived efficacy. This study explored the impact of social support in the context of digital divide, and extended the buffering effect model of social support. The findings also had some practical implications for improving subjective well-being of older adults in the digital age.
  • HUANG Xiao
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 163-171.
    The Internet-based Assembly Communication By Sui Yan. Beijing: China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (CSPM), 2023, 319 pages. ISBN 978-7-03-075552-0. ¥168.
  • ANNUAL Journalism Review Group of CJJC
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(1): 6-26.
    This article selects innovative journalism papers from nearly 30 Chinese academic journals (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) in 2023, focusing on research issues, perspectives, and argumentation methods. It examines news theory and independent knowledge systems, multidimensional narratives of news texts, reconstruction of news conventions in the context of digital media, encounters and avoidance of news users, news practitioners in field practice and cognitive frameworks, news innovation and factual verification Ten topics, including the timeliness of news under the logic of accelerationism, the integration of human technology in news production, research on news systems and policies, and research on news history, outline the knowledge landscape of Chinese journalism in the past year. Research has found that the main characteristics of China’s journalism research in 2023 are presented in the following three aspects: firstly, Chinese journalism research is gradually forming a relatively stable and dynamically updated topic group, especially the open theoretical dialogue and knowledge accumulation trend between news practitioners and news reception research. Secondly, in the current era where digital technology has been disenchanted from the news industry, researchers have begun to more consciously observe the new possibilities of constructing local news theories from a comparative perspective. News conventions, news timeliness, and factual verification have become more theoretical oriented empirical research topics in the past year. Thirdly, classic research topics and paths are constantly revisited, and in the context of digital narrative, relatively static news text research has regained vitality. News history research has returned to topics such as newspaper public opinion and the professionalization of the newspaper industry, and continues to be deeply cultivated.
  • WANG Qing ZHENG Baowei
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 6-27.
    Over a period of more than half a century, Mao Zedong combined Marx, Leninist journalism thoughts with the practice of the Chinese revolutionary struggle and news dissemination, creatively proposing a series of journalistic viewpoints that formed Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts. The formation process of Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts roughly underwent five historical stages: gestation and emergence before and after the founding of the CPC and during the Great Revolution, exploration and accumulation during the Agrarian Revolutionary War period, enrichment and enhancement during the Comprehensive Anti, Japanese War period, deepening and maturity during the Liberation War period, and summary and improvement after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The formation and development of Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts have made great theoretical contributions to establishing the theoretical foundation of the CPC’s journalistic thoughts, leading the development path of the CPC’s journalism, and initiating the historical process of Sinicization of Marxist journalistic viewpoints. Mao Zedong’s journalistic thoughts occupy an important position in the history of CPC’s journalistic thoughts.In the context of Chinese modernization, learning and reviewing Mao Zedong's journalistic thoughts is of great significance for us to further adapt Marxist journalistic viewpoints to the Chinese context and the needs of our times, and construct the scientific journalism knowledge system with Chinese characteristics.
  • YE Jie
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(11): 105-126.
    Relying on the theory of media political communication, this paper explores the influence mechanism of Chinese mainstream media use on popular political support, constructs a moderated mediating effect model, and conducts empirical analysis through large-sample netizen survey data. It is found that, firstly, the positive path of mainstream media use to popular political support is partly mediated by shaping the official ideological position of users. Secondly, authoritarian obedience personality weakens the mediating role of mainstream media users’ official ideological positions. Thirdly, the relationship between mainstream media use, users’ ideological positions and popular political support is heterogeneous. In the future, it is necessary to introduce cutting-edge political communication theories, build a more detailed analysis framework, and deepen the research on the mechanism of popular political support used by Chinese mainstream media.
  • GUO Yuanming YANG Xiao LIU Xudong
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(3): 30-54.
    This study used two experiments to examine the psychological mechanism of the persuasion effect of narrative point of view (POV) and expanding narratives of public service short videos. Analyzing data collected from the subjects who viewed a short video presenting corneal donation appeals, the study found that narrative POV (point of view) affects the organ donation intentions directly and people exposed to first-person narratives suggest deeper immersion than third- person narrative viewers. Moreover, immersion has positive impact on individuals' attitudes toward and intentions of organ donations, in line with the transportation theory. Data analysis also demonstrated that POV affects individual organ donation intentions following a serial mediation model of POV-Immersion-Attitude-Intentions. The model suggests that the contradictory findings of previous studies on the relationship between POV and health behavior are partially due to the mediation effect of immersion after exposure to such messages. Experiment 2, sustained by heuristic processing model, proceeds to explore how Danmu (bullet comments) as the expanding narratives influences organ donation intentions. It revealed that positive textual Danmu also indirectly but negatively impacts people’s donation intentions through boosting heuristics, which positively influences the negative attitudes and negatively influence the positive attitudes simultaneously.
  • LIN Ying XU Tianmin XIE Hangping
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(12): 46-64.
    With the rapid development of digital information technology, global mobility has become a low-cost, normalized existence. With the dual boost of economy and politics, cross-border e-commerce has gradually become an important practice of economic globalization. This research adopts the research method of participatory observation and in-depth interview, taking a cross- border e-commerce company in Fujian as an example, from the perspective of infrastructure theory, this research has insight into the multiple relationships among cross-border e-commerce platforms, people and digital capital operations. This study believes that visibility and invisibility have ontological significance for the research of media infrastructure. Therefore, the analysis framework of visibility and invisibility is divided into three levels: visual/physical, feeling/consciousness, and regulation/ideology. Through empirical research, the specific orientation and reference dimensions are discussed to enrich the theoretical level and academic texture of this concept. Since the separation between the surface characteristics of objects and the internal operation structure of the system, this study further points out that the technical system of physical structure has the characteristics of autopoiesis. At the same time, the technology system relies on the mutual transformation of “commodity datalization” and “data commercialization”, which has a matrix impact on the form of commodity economy and the real society, and has created the attribute change of economic activities in the practice of platform infrastructure.
  • ANNUAL Communication Review Group of CJJC
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2024, 46(1): 27-48.
    In this paper, 113 studies were selected from 23 Chinese academic journals (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) in 2023, and the selection criteria were mainly concerned with the articles’ sense of problem, realistic concern, empirical vision and thinking method. In the end, eleven topics, including COVID-19 and health communication, human-computer interaction in the age of intelligence, social significance of technology, digital connections and interactions, privacy issues in the digital age, the history and development of platforms, media materiality and infrastructures, media theories, media cultures, media-family interactions, and the politics of mediatization, are selected to present a picture of the knowledge of Chinese communication in the past year.
  • Zhang Hongying
    Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2023, 45(9): 140-162.
    Government public communication is an intersectional concept of organizational communication and media norms. As a mechanism to promote the process of democratic society, government public communication is a “public discourse system” based on the best social decisionmaking framework of public decision-making, information access and social responsibility. With the reconstruction of the elemental context for government public communication in social media, “norm collaboration” has become the dominant mode of discourse practice in government public communication. This paper attempts to testify the strategic practice capability of multiple actors of government public communication on social media by analyzing the key texts with the method of recontextualization. It is found that in the major public events, the official institutions construct the “main tone” of public communication with the strong discursive text of “authoritative release”, and maintain the discourse order by means of intertextuality and rhetoric across the institutions. Media texts are highly dependent on government texts, especially its key texts, and take “collaborative rhetoric” as their main discourse strategy. In addition, the discourse space for the public to participate in government public communication is still restricted. Therefore, this paper puts forward the media normative theory of “collaborative responsibility” for government public communication in the domestic context, and advocates a collaborative paradigm of responsibility that combines social responsibility tradition with citizen participation.