GUO Xiaoan SONG Jiwen
2024, 46(10): 71-92.
Friedrich Kittler’s media materialism is an insubstantial materialism. From the discourse network 1800 to 1900, is also a shift from the “materiality of voice” to the “materiality of inscription”. The media in Kittler’s concern exists in the insubstantial signification and is constructed on the “materiality of language” in (Post-)structuralism. In Discourse Network 1800, the “minimal signified” of voice is directly linked to meaning and the subject, and signification does not need to be “mediated” by meida, which does not yet exist; in Discourse Network 1900, the transcendental signified is negated by technological media, anti-metaphysics, and psychophysiology experimentation, and signification has to pass through the media of the signifier and becomes a meaningless “game” in the sliding of signifying chain. The “repetition” of the “materiality of inscription” makes the media in signification visible in different empirical domains such as literature, art, science and technology, and it is in this process that the tangible, solid media as material becomes visible. Kittler’s so-called media materiality is not the materiality of the media at all, but rather the break of the “materiality of language” that produced the media. Therefore, when we trace the true meaning of media materiality in Kittler’s view, and clarify the complex relationship between the concepts of matter and materiality, media and material media, we will find that what is really worthy of our consideration in Kittler’s case is the materiality of insubstantial linguistic structure, symbolic form, or significaiton. It is on the basis of insubstantial media materialism that we can really open up the rich imagination of materiality.