Journalism and art have a profound origin. However, they are often separated due to academic division and professional specialization. In fact, whether in China or the West, during wartime or peacetime, there is a convergence between journalism and art. This study focuses on the specific practice of Enacted Journalism, which was a collective creation that used the combat hero Li Dianbing as a prototype in the Jin-Cha-Ji Base Area. The trend of imitation was stimulated by Enacted Journalism during a period. This paper explores the cross-text “real-life stories” and typical politics, the cross-media technology and the updating of communication forms, the cross-subject collective creation and the adjustments of power/ability, to demonstrate the implementation of new cultural concepts and practices from the central to the local through the convergence of journalism and art. Furthermore, this paper extends its perspective to the Soviet Living Newspaper, Chinese Times Report Drama, and Digital Live Journalism to analyze the theoretical and practical value of the integrated development of journalism and artistry.