基因编辑与后人类时代的科学伦理 ——专访哲学家罗西·布拉伊多蒂
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基因编辑与后人类时代的科学伦理 ——专访哲学家罗西·布拉伊多蒂
Gene Editing and Scientifc Ethics in the Post-humanistic Era: An Interview with Rosi Braidotti
技术的发展对科学伦理和人与机器之间的关系带来了新的挑战。同时,算法和社 交平台也改变了大众媒体的结构,大众媒体与边缘媒体之间的界限正变得越来越模 糊。当代哲学家罗西·布拉伊多蒂从后人文主义的视角切入,分析了基因编辑的科学 伦理、人类的主体性、人与机器的边界、算法推送与新闻的公共性,以及后人类时代 的新型大学模式与教育理念等问题。
The development of technology has brought new challenges to scientific ethics and the relationship between human and machine. In addition, media has already been redesigned by social platforms, citizen journalism and the blogsphere. As such, the boundary between mass media and fringe are becoming porous. Contemporary philosopher Rosi Braidotti reveals her thinking on the ethics of Gene editing, the subjectivity of human, the boundary between human and machine, algorithm and the publicity of journalism, as well as new university model and educational concept in the post-human era. She believes that the essential reason for these problems is that natural sciences are developing too fast, while humanities are losing its respects and values from the society. Although genetic experimentation inevitably involves the manipulation of capital, capital is not the only criterion for big decisions.
后人类 / 基因编辑 / 人工智能 / 科学伦理 / 算法 {{custom_keyword}} /
Post-humanism / Gene editing / Artifcial intelligence / Scientifc ethics / Algorithm {{custom_keyword}} /
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